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Who Spent the Entire Pandemic Sitting Down?

Before you read any further, think about what percentage of your waking time is spent sitting down, then comment it below.

It's been pretty much two years now since we all learned that Covid-19 was coming to the UK, and even though it seems like we're pretty much out of the woods now, I'm still seeing many of its effects on a lot of the people I work one-on-one with.

Have you decided to settle for the fact that low back pain, tight hips, bad knees and terrible posture are just part of everyday life? They're such common issues that it now almost seems like a rite of passage just to experience them; part of everyone's coming-of-age story now involves doubling over in pain every time they reach to pick something up off the floor!

It's 100% totally, absolutely, entirely not necessary to let any of these things become a normal aspect of your life. Cynicism, pessimism and a general social tendency to frown have led most people to believe that getting older must involve developing several sorts of debilitating pain.

Working from home has only served to increase many of the bad lifestyle symptoms which people are now much more commonly displaying. In the office, you probably used to walk a lot more, move between rooms a lot more, go looking for other people a lot more and maybe even get outside on your lunch break a lot more. Now, I bet you're more than likely spending the majority of your day at a desk or on a sofa, working, eating and relaxing all in one place. While it's good to relax, have you thought about what this is doing to your body?

Ok, maybe you're not laying about to as much of an extent as that, but I'm almost certain that you're more inactive and spend more time sitting than you ever used to.

What does this do to the body?

Much like when people who wear heeled shoes find that their calf muscles shorten and end up causing severe pain, spending massive amounts of time sitting down can lead to muscles in and around the hip having to adjust to new positions. The body sees that the hips aren't working the way they used to, so they begin to seize up and even shorten, leading to huge amounts of pain in certain cases.

Hip flexors, glutes, quads, hamstrings, lower back muscles, shoulders, knees and more can all begin to feel different over time, often in combinations as well. But the truth is that these effects can all be very easily counteracted!

With the correct application of mobility, flexibility and strength, you can see results in terms of lessening these negative effects in as little as one month. It just takes a few hours of careful work on your own every week.

The best part is that the whole process is really easy to learn as well.


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