The format of the podcast has changed a bit this year, and I'm glad to have spent time working on how it's edited, distributed and written.
The episodes so far in series 3 are much more personal, including a lot of anecdotal and opinionated material. This might not be in everyone's taste, but there are so many things I've worked through and with and around that I thought it was time to start getting honest about them.
One thing I'm really keen to hear from you, the listener, as the series progresses, is what gets you worked up when it comes to training. Everyone's got a peeve, and loads of them are in the gym. If you've got something along the lines of the things covered in series 3 so far, then I want to hear about them. You can comment them, send me them in messages or even voice note me on WhatsApp (these can be inserted into the show!).
For now, to make sure you're caught up, click the link below and subscribe! There'll be more to come, with guests included! And if you click the link now, there should be a brand new episode waiting for you!
