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Writer's pictureEthan Savage

All-Strong Podcast Series 2 Notes: Episodes 1-5

This post is just a quick summary of different links and pieces of information you might like to read alongside listening to the episodes so far. Got a question? Click here to ask one on air!

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Episode 1 - A Challenging New Year's Resolution for 2023

There's not too much for this one, but if you want to read up on Liver King, here's a quick report on the big announcement about his PED scandal. Click here. Please don't eat raw animal organs.

If you want to watch the Blindboy Undestroys the World episode, click here. I very highly recommend it, but please be warned, it's potentially a little unsettling.

Episode 2: Sarah Davidson: What to Expect from Your First Bodybuilding Show

Episode 3: Jordan Pattison: Getting Started with Your Training & Debunking Fitness Myths

I have to apologise for the audio on this one. I had some software issues which prevented me from recording properly, so the audio fidelity was lost when I had to record the episode directly to the internet.

Do you have any myths you'd like to dispel? Send them in a voice message to the show via the link at the top of the page!

Episode 4: Harvey McClurkin: Things Might Not Always Go to Plan

The Wikipedia page for Paget-Schroetter Syndrome: click here.

Harvey's issue is a subtype of deep vein thrombosis in the vein running under the clavicle (collarbone). It only affects 1/100,000 people, but if you're ever worried about symptoms like Harvey's, make sure you contact a physician.

Episode 5: Jo McAlister of Reset My Stress: Mindset, The Unconscious & Training

Jo's a brilliant mindset coach with a fantastic knowledge of how the human mind works. She's also got a brilliant talent for explaining that knowledge, and I've had the pleasure of watching her do so several times now.

If you're interested in working with Jo, contact her on LinkedIn by clicking here.

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